Saturday, January 12, 2008


Well, Christmas time has past and I guess it was time to finally take down the lights on the house and the fence. So, after we finished our duties, we decided to have some fun in the snow since it had recently snowed A LOT in the past few days. Jeff ran to the store and bought a sled and we rode behind the 4 wheeler in the pasture. It was very fun! Afterwards, we all came inside for some hot cocoa. It was a great Saturday afternoon.

Jared tries it out first. He loved it. Emily helped dad drive.

Jared, Katie and Emily pose for a picture. The trampoline which you see behind them was actually blown there several nights before. It WAS back between the garage and the house. We came home from church on Sunday night and discovered the new home right in front of the house. We still are not sure how it avoided the tree that was in front of the tramopoline. Winds here can get pretty powerful. We will wait for the snow to melt before putting it back where it goes.

The kids decided it was just as much fun to ride the 4 wheeler as it was to ride the sled. Dad takes them for a ride.

Can't ride a 4 wheeler with this much snow and not go 4 bying (is that how you spell it?) HOLD ON KIDS!

Katie Sue all bundled up watching the fun and waving HI!!! (I know she is wearing a blue hat, but it was all I could find at the moment.)

Jared rides his own 4 wheeler he got for Christmas.

Dad, Emily and Jared hook up the sled and get ready to go for a ride! HI GUYS!

Katie still loving the show. Hi Sue Bug!

Just another picture of Katie having a fun time just watching.

Go Jared, go!

I actually got on with Emily because she was a bit afraid. Then, Jeff wanted to pull me all by myself. I should have known. Sorry, no picture of that one. Stay posted for more.

Happy Winter!