Monday, December 17, 2007


Jared and Jeff went hunting and got a deer. This was Jared's first hunting trip and he had a blast. It was pretty cold, but he loved spending time with his dad doing "boy stuff". Here are some pictures of my two hunters...


Now that winter has come, I finally get around to posting pictures from fall. Here are some pictures of our "yard clean up day" from a little while ago. Jared and Emily loved to play in the leaves. With our many trees in our yard, we had PLENTY of leaves to play in.

Jared is learning his seasons and says spring is his favorite. Daily, he asks if winter is over yet. We do have snow, but have yet to build a snowman. Maybe when the spring flowers start to bloom, I'll post pictures from our snow play days (heeheehee).

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Jeff turned 30 on Nov 18th! We celebrated with a family lunch on Sunday and a surprise church family dinner after church service. He was surprised! I also prepared a slide show reflecting the the past 30 years of Jeff's life (If I learn how to upload a slide show, I will post it). Here are some past photos of Jeff. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Candi & Jeff married September 21, 2002. They honeymooned in Cabo San Lucas, which was a 2nd choice due to being re-routed because of a hurricane hitting Cancun at the time. Jeff & Candi started "dating" Christmas of 2001 and were engaged January 2002. We just celebrated 5 years of marriage, 2 business and 3 children!

Emily Grace is our 2nd child - 1st daughter. This is from her 1st birthday. She just recently turned 2 years old. She loves to play with her daddy.

Jeff (30 yrs), Jared (almost 4 yrs), Emiy (2 yrs) and Katie (9 mos) hang out on the hammack at our new home. We moved from a very small home (less than 1,000 sq. ft.) to a larger home in February 2007. We now have lots of room to play and operate our businesses. Jeff also has a large shop/garage to play in.

Jeff loves to play guitar (and is pretty good at it). He also enjoys golfing, fishing, hunting and keeping his 3/4 acre yard nice and neat.

Jeff took Jared on his 1st fishing trip spring of 2006. Jared caught 4 fish and was so proud. Jeff loves to take Jared fishing and hunting. He looks forward to the day when Jared gets to go to work with daddy.

Monday, November 5, 2007


Sorry this is dealyed. I have been waiting until Miss Katie started crawling before I published her post. Finally, she started at 8 1/2 months! We are very excited, but even busier keeping up with 3 mobile small children. Without further delay...this week we highlight KATIE SUZANNE HANCHEY.

Katie was born February 11, 2007 at 11:49 pm. We were rushing to the hospital to deliver her, but she decided she did not want to wait. So, Katie was delivered in the backseat of the Tahoe on the side of the highway. All went beautifully. We were so blessed.

Katie has two siblings who love her greatly. Jared is very sweet and gentle with her. Emily loves to pretend she is mommy. She is a big help. She has even tried to change Katie's diaper without mommy's supervision. Luckily I got to her before there was a big mess.

Katie has recently began crawling and is loving her newly found independence. She is also loving experiencing new foods. She loves spending time with her cousins, Owen and Ally who are both within 5 weeks of age. She misses her cousin, Morgan who lives in California and is 4 months younger.

We are blessed with this precious gift from God. I can't believe we will be celebrating her 1 year after the holidays.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


This week, we highlight Emily Grace as she turns 2 years old!

On October 1, 2007 Emily turned 2 years old. We celebrated with a family dinner out to her choice of restaurant - Arctic Circle - on Monday night and a larger party on Saturday night.

Emily is my first daughter. She has red hair and green eyes. She if full of personality and makes me laugh regularly. She loves her brother and her sister. She and Jared play tackle football and all sorts of other games with each other. Jared will drive Emily around outside in their battery operated jeep. Katie enjoys Emily being "mom". Emily tries to hold Katie whenever she can. Emily likes to help feed Katie and even changer her diapers. When Katie isn't available for Emily to play with, Emily resorts to her dolls. She has started carrying her baby dolls around - putting them to sleep (and telling me to be quiet), feeding them and pushing them in the baby stroller.

Emily has recently started talking and repeating what we say. Now with her talking, there is less crying. I am sure in a year or two I will be asking her to stop, but for now I am enjoying hearing her sweet little voice.

I love my Emily Grace. Enjoy the pictures and next week we will highlight Katie Sue!

Friday, September 28, 2007


This week on the Hanchey Family Blog, I would like to highlight JARED JEFFERY HANCHEY.

Jared is 3 years old - will be 4 years old on November 26th. He has 2 sisters: Emily who is almost 2 years old and his most often playmate and Katie who is almost 8 months.

Jared attends preschool 2 times per week for 3 hours each day. He loves preschool. He likes making new friends, playing on the computer and craft time (he gets to use scissors!).

One warm summer day, a thunder and rain storm passed by. While his sisters were sleeping, he and his mom ran outside to splash in the puddles. But, before going outside, Jared had to run to get his rain boots from his closet downstairs in his room. While he was getting his rain boots, he stopped to get his helmet, too. With his Superman T-Shirt on, he was ready to go! We ran through the puddles singing and splashing and having fun getting wet and dirty.

Over Labor Day weekend, the family took an overnight trip to visit some good friends. Jared and his daddy went fishing on Saturday morning and Jared caught 4 fish all by hisself. He was very excited. (We still have the fish in the freezer to show anyone and everyone who happens to stop by.)

Thanks for tuning in this week to the Hanchey Family Blog. Next week we will highlight EMILY GRACE HANCHEY as she turns 2 years old!

Saturday, September 22, 2007


Hello and welcome! We are excited to start our own family blog to keep you informed and updated on our family. We will be sharing events, photos and all sorts of information with you. Here are a few recent things to share:

Jeff and Candi just celebrated 5 years of marriage. Wow... 5 years, 3 children and 3 businesses.

Jared has started preschool and loves it! He finally got to use scissors for the first time.

Emily will be turning 2 in about a week and loves to help mommy take care of Katie and blow bubbles outside.

Katie is 7 months and spends her days eating and sleeping and surviving her siblings loves and hugs and kisses.

More details and more photos to come...